Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Does Acupressure Work

Tension tends to concentrate around acupressure points. When a muscle is in spasm or chronically tense, the muscle fibers contract due to the secretion of lactic acid caused by fatigue, trauma, stress chemical imbalances, or poor circulation.

An Acupressure point enables the muscle fibers to elongate and relax, also it helps the blood to flow freely and allows the toxins to be released and eliminated. Increased circulation also brings more oxygen and other nutrients to affected areas. This increases the body’s resistance to illness and promotes a longer and healthier life. When the blood circulates properly, there is a greater sense of harmony, health, and well-being.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Acupressure and Its Advantages

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing. Life would be so much easier if one could cure themselves at the cozy milieu of spas instead of visiting the mundane clinics.

Advantages of Acupressure:

  • Balance the body and maintain good health.
  • The healing touch of acupressure reduces tension.
  • Increases circulation
  • Enables body to relax deeply and heightens the body’s vital life energy to aid healing.
  • By relieving stress, acupressure strengthens the resistance to disease and promotes wellness.
  • Acupressure points also relieve pain, trauma, burnout, and maintains good health through self-care.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bee Therapy: Cautions

Therapists say that most of the allergic reactions attributed to honeybee venom are actually to yellow jacket or wasp venom. However, if you are allergic to bee venom, you should be very careful when using this therapy, and get professional supervision. Furthersome, in case you have an undetected allergy, be sure to keep bee-venom allergy kit (including syringe and epinephrine) on hand.

Health shakes (blended drinks from juice bars) often contain bee pollen or other bee products. If you are allergic, such drinks can cause dangerous reactions. Be sure you know what’s in a drink before you consume it.

If you have heart disease, hypertension, tuberculosis, or diabetes, avoid apitherapy.

Children less than a year old should never be given honey (raw or otherwise), since it may contain bacteria that can be harmful to them.

People with compromised immune systems should use caution when eating raw honey, this may contain infection causing fungus.

Recommended dosage levels have not yet been established for bee products. Therefore, exercise caution when using any of them.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Bee Therapy: Propolis - Called as "Bee Glue"

Propolis is a sticky resin that seeps from the buds of certain trees (the bees prefer poplar) and oozes from the bark of others (chiefly conifers). Worker bees collect it; add their salivary secretions to it, and use it to coat the inside of the hive. Propolis has been shown to contain antibacterial compounds and can be effective as a salve for cuts and bruises.

Bee Therapy: Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is a milky white substance produced in the salivary glands of worker bees as a food source for the queen bee and it may be what dramatically extends the queen’s life and enhances her fertility. There have been numerous claims about royal jelly’s beneficial effects on a variety of medical problems, including fatigue, infertility, asthma, and lack of appetite; these are mainly anecdotal and not substantiated in clinical testing. Interestingly, however, animal an human studies have shown that royal jelly contains ingredients capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Based on the queen bee, royal jelly occasionally appears as an ingredient in women’s cosmetics, especially wrinkle creams. However, there is no evidence that royal jelly retards aging (or aging skin) in anyone except bees.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Bee Therapy: Raw Honey

Raw Honey is quick source of energy (like sugar) and a natural storehouse of B vitamins and various minerals. It has mild antibacterial and antibiotic properties, and it can help soothe sore throats. Those who use it believe that raw honey, which has not been filtered, heat treated, or processed in any way, is more healthful than processed honey. In some studies, raw honey has been used to suppress bacterial growth, particularly in open wounds.

Bee Therapy: Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is typically marketed as an energy-boosting nutritional supplement. This bee product contains vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Some practitioners believe that bee pollen is a beneficial treatment for seasonal allergies, because ingesting small amounts builds up resistance to pollen.

Bee Therapy: Bee Venom & Health Benefits

Bee Venom is administered either by needle or by actual bee sting. Chemical studies show that venom contains a number of powerful anti-inflammatory substances, including adolapin and melittin. Said to be a hundred times more powerful than hydrocortisone, melittin stimulates the production of cortisol, a natural steroid that also acts as an anti-inflammatory. Not surprisingly, bee venom therapy is often used for conditions that involve inflammation, such ads tendinitis, bursitis, and rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

Health Benefits of Bee Venom Therapy:

  • Decrease spasms and fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients
  • To Increase patient’s stability

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bee Therapy, Apitherapy, Health Benefits by Honey Bee Products

Apitherapy is the term given to the medicinal use of honey bee as well as honey bee products. Besides bee venom, the other most popular form of Apitherapy treatments are honey and pollen. They are most commonly taken as pills, powders, and injections.

Apitherapy, or bee therapy, is the use of products of the common honeybee for therapeutic purposes. Honeybee venom, bee pollen, raw honey, royal jelly, and propolis are the products generally considered to have medicinal effects. These products are said to be effective against a wide range of ailments, from arthritis and chronic pain to multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Today thousands of medical professional and lay practitioners use apitherapy throughout the world.

The five popular products work in different ways to treat various ailments and conditions.

Honey Bee Products:

Health Benefits of Apitherapy or Bee Therapy:

There have been few controlled scientific studies proving the value of bee venom, bee pollen, raw honey, royal jelly, or propolis, but there are many anecdotal reports about their health benefits.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, bee venom is commonly used to relieve chronic back and neck pain. Some apitherapists report that bee venom can also help break down and soften scar tissue, flattening scares and lightening them. This idea is supported by the fact that bee venom contains powerful enzymes that can break through scar tissue.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Detoxification Bath

In Detoxification Bath, the minerals and trace elements of seaweed detoxify and regenerate the body and refreshes mind. Detoxification bath treatment can be enjoyed before or after the body treatments or simply enjoyed by itself.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Chocolate Facial: Soften and Smoothen the Skin

Chocolate is a wonderful ingredient for making you look beautiful. Of course, you will always have the temptation of putting some into your mouth instead of applying it on your face.

Chocolate helps you in skin treatments by answering questions like Do chocolate facials really work? Does chocolate actually benefits the skin? In the high-end spas, chocolate facials have become premium.

Research shows that dark chocolate benefits the skin due to its cocoa content. Dark chocolate is said to be very high in antioxidants, which help to delay the formation of ageing signs. Antioxidants help to prevent oxidation damage from free radicals, which is responsible for the ageing signs on the skin. They also boost the skin’s cell renewal process. Chocolate helps to soften and smoothen the skin. This is why it has become popular in facial treatments.

Apart from cocoa butter, shea butter nay also be used in formulations containing chocolate. Both these are good for nourishing and softening the skin. Chocolate is also said to induce relaxation, which is an advantage in skin treatments. The entire treatment softens the skin, imparts a glow and claims the senses. As already mentioned, the antioxidant properties rejuvenates the skin and preserves its youthful qualities. The chocolate facial also helps to improve skin texture and produce an even color tone.

Revitalizing Bath

Revitalizing bath of herbal plant extracts and minerals, relaxes the body, reduces lactic acid accumulated in muscles, detoxifies and eases fatigue. Extracts of fennel and Capsicum Frutescence stimulate the lipase enzyme and improve metabolism, while lactose and Macadamia nut oil hydrate the skin. Allow your skin to absorb the nourishment and emerge revitalized.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to improve Health and Vitality

Foods such as these do refresh you instantly, no doubt. However, they have innumerable side effects.

Food affects thoughts and behavior and impacts physical health. It can also cause chronic diseases. Today’s world is filled with short cuts and quick fixes, food is fast, overcooked, processed, fried and additive addled. Everyone wants results in little time, forgetting that the glorious body is our only tool, and food is our fuel.

Health means increasing immunity, digestion, mental equilibrium, mood, memory and concentration, boosting energy and vitality and living pain free.

By eating brilliantly, you can add life to your years! A combination of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts will automatically give you more energy. It lets you sleep fewer hours and feel fresh. Each according to the season, and follow a few basic rules.

Shift to the following as snacks:
  • Natural Sugars
  • Fruits
  • Dry fruits
  • Good fats
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dump the fries
  • Sprout your pulses
  • Change to low fat dairy
  • Lap up plenty of water

It is so simple, yet seems difficult, because in modern India we have forgotten our fundamentals. Go back to your basic, eat raw, unprocessed food. It is a sure fire way of improving health, leading to brilliant thoughts, words and actions.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Soothing Music: Essential for Spa, Important for Spa Design

Soothing music is one of the main essentials in a spa. Melodies with slow beats can help regulate mental and physical processes. Hence, listening to them can be a great way to deal with stress.

Designers must conceive the plan to sketch the spa with deep knowledge of how spas operate. Every aspect in a spa must be thought through. A spa owner must hire a good spa designer who has specialized in spa industry and who understands the principles of the energy flow required in a spa.

Tropical Coconut Crème Therapy with Cashew Nut Scrub

Tropical Coconut Crème Therapy infuses the body with goodness of coconut and cashews the deep cleanse and thoroughly nourish every pore. Pure coconut crème from tender coconut is used for body massage and then a natural cashew scrub is used for the body exfoliation routine which melts away the dead cells leaving your body soft and glowing.

Tropical Coconut Crème Therapy is extremely effective for treating dry skin and normal skin also during dry weather spells. Coconut extracts are rich in saturated fatty acids and cashew nuts are also rich in healthy, nourished glow to skin. Although a series of therapies is suggested to treat chronically dry skins, even one therapy session leaves the skin looking radiant and soft.

Spirulina Hair Spa

In Spirulina Hair Spa therapy there is a use of pure spirulina powder in hair. Spirulina is known as a wonderfood in nature because of the numerous nutrients it contains. It has amazing reviving effects on the hair as it infuses the scalp directly with all essential micronutrients needed for a healthy scalp and also deep conditions the hair at the same time.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Aloe Papaya Body Polish

Aloe Papaya Body Polish is a full body moisturizing and nourishing treatment, which uses the natural goodness of Aloe Vera known in the world over for its non-oily deep moisturizing abilities. Papaya acts as the perfect skin polish. This polish is suggested as a moisturizing cum exfoliating treatment for oily and normal skins.

Aloevera extracts are renowned as non oily moisturizers in nature. On the other hand papaya contains natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids which gently remove the dead cell layer of the skin exposing the bright and soft skin beneath.

Exotic Therapies & Massages for Spa

With Exotic Therapies & Massages get the health benefits of fresh fruits and veggies.  And we also know that most of the nutrients and vitamins in them lie in their skin & pulp which are more useful for our body. These nutrients can serve to be excellent scrubs or re-vitalisers for our skin too. 

Exotic Therapies & Massages are:

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Leech Therapy & its Benefits

Leech therapy is used for blood detoxifying purpose. Leech therapy is safe, painless therapy. Leech therapy testifies its efficiency in healing various kinds of illness and disease.

How Can Leeches Help?

After leech therapy surgery the fresh blood from your lungs, goes to the surgical area. However, the “used blood” has trouble leaving the area and getting back to heart and lungs.  This causes the area to become blue or purple and cold. Leeches are attached to the discolored, cool area. They suck out the used blood and allow more fresh blood to come and help keep the area healthy. The veins are more fragile and take longer to heal than the arteries. In this way they help give your veins time to heal.

Leeches produce a blood-thinner. The thinner blood will cause the area to ooze blood for up to 48 hours after the leech is done feeding on it. This effect is helpful. Leeches also produce an anesthetic effect when they bite. This will numb the area that is being treated.

Leech Therapy Benefits:

Fitness: Due to blood detoxifying effect, Leech therapy improves immunity and blood circulation.

Beautification: Leech therapy is advisable for many skin conditions like; unwanted scares, pigmentation, black & white head, wrinkles, itching, skin irritation etc.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Vichy Shower Massage & its Benefits

Vichy Shower Massage is a total shower with a rejuvenating scrub massage to activate and later relax the muscles.

Vichy Shower Massage Benefits:
  • Reducing toxins and waste.
  • Improve your elimination system.
  • Stimulating the skin drawing blood to the surface.
  • Boosting your immune system.
  • Hydrating your body through your skin, improving skin and muscle tone.
  • Reducing your stress response through skin nerve stimulation.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hydrotherapy and its Techniques

Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of disease. There are many ways to perform hydrotherapy, including baths, saunas, douches, wraps, and packs. Hydrotherapy used to tone up the body to stimulate digestion, the circulation, boost up the immune system and to bring relief form pain. Water seems to have special powers in getting rid of stress and rejuvenating our body. It affects the skin and muscles.

A number of techniques are available under the general heading hydrotherapy. These include:
  • Baths
  • Showers
  • Neutral Baths
  • Foot Baths
  • Cold Mitten Friction Rub
  • Sitz Baths
  • Contrast Sitz Baths
  • Steam Inhalation
  • Hot Compresses
  • Cold Compresses
  • Alternating Hot Compresses & Cold Compresses
  • Heating Compresses
  • Body Wrap
  • Wet Sheet Pack
  • Salt Glow

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Apitherapy & its Benefits

Apitherapy is the term given to the medical use of honey bee venom as well as honey bee products. Besides bee venom, the other most popular forms of apitherapy treatments are honey and pollen. They are most commonly taken as oils, powders, and injections.

Benefits of Apitherapy:
  • To treat diseases such as arthritis, bursitis and tendinitis.
  • To relieve chronic back and neck pain.
  • Help break down and soften scar tissue, flattening scars and lightening them.
  • To decrease spasms and fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients and to increase the patient’s stability.
Explore cautions needed before going for Apitherapy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Volcanic Ash Therapy and Health Benefits of Volcanic Ash

Volcanic Ash Clay is the best kept secret of the most elite health and beauty spas in the world. When applied to the skin’s surface , this soothing clay lifts, firms and exfoliates , resulting in a revitalized and more youthful looking complexion.

Health Benefits of Volcanic Ash:

Volcanic ash skin care has been used or centuries by the native Melanesians and Polynesians for the treatment of a wide variety of infections due to its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-yeast and overall disinfectant qualities. Volcanic ash is high in Sulphur, an active Mineral ingredient which not only helps the body to resist bacteria but actually destroy it. Sulphur exists in your hemoglobin and connective body tissue:-

To disinfect the blood
Stimulate bile secretion
Aid the oxidation reactions in the body
Protect the protoplasm of cells
For the synthesis of collagen 

Note: Source taken from valued sources.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Spa Therapies & Spa Massages

Spa Therapies & Spa Massages offer ultimate relaxation to body and feel you healthier. Spa therapies help you to improve blood circulation.

Types of Spa Therapies & Spa Massages:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spa & Ayruveda Massage

Ayurvedic Massage – A Quick Tour on Ayurveda

Aquatic Massage – Benefits without Swimming

Breema – Bring a Natural Balance to the Body and the Mind

Wrap – Varied Wraps for Body

Hilot – The Age-Old Art of Healing

Khizi – An Unusual Ayurvedic Massage

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